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Our Contribution to Culinary world

Our Contribution

Chefs labor over their food for countless hours to create a moment of pleasure for their guests. Plate presentation is the final step that showcases their creations. For the chef, it allows many creative possibilities, a chance to stamp their identity on the menu and create a signature dish. It is also a way to reintroduce flavors that work well together, and present them in a unique style.

A winning plate presentation is rarely achieved on the first try. Imagination, trial-and-error, and brainstorming in a collaborative fashion often help to achieve successful results.

Being at the forefront of talented artisans, aharya works in close cooperation with Chef to plan, design protypes and develop the product with all observations and changes

Our Artisans

Our Artisans - Handcrafted with LOVE

Each piece of our dreamware we make is hand carved by our master craftsman.

For every natural material there is an Indian tradition of working it by hand to enrich it with fine craftsmanship. Our artisans pour their heart and soul into their work. Often in family-run workshops where craft knowledge and traditional motifs are passed from generation to generation.

Indian craftsmanship brings out the best of the artisans’ skills together with the qualities of raw materials such as Wood, Soapstone, Clay, Metal, Fallen Leaves, Coconut Shells etc. This use of simple sustainable materials also means their products will last and age gracefully.

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